Welder trade government iti - YouTube




ITI Welder Course: Details, Eligibility, Fees, Duration, Syllabus, Career, Salary

Industrial Training Institute is a Gerald among the top educational courses offered in India today. Each course offered under ITI is top-notch and best. ITI welding course is one such course that is embedded by ITI. Even if ITI courses are well-known to most people in India. Most of them do not understand what the course is all about and assume it to be inferior to other courses.

ITI Welder Course Details 

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Unlike other courses, the ITI welder course or any ITI courses are designed in such a way that it offers training technical and non-technical fields of daily life. In simple words, the scope to get employed after this course is comparatively very higher than in another course. One of the main reasons for such a trend is because this course offers more practical training than other courses. When it comes to welding, an ITI welding graduate would have more practical knowledge at hand about welding than any other person.